Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Mini Rolling Pin

My husband was shocked when for Christmas I asked him for a mini rolling pin.  "But you already have this perfectly wonderful, LARGE, rolling pin!" (He's from Texas, and thinks if it's bigger it's better).  Each time we had this conversation I reassured him that no, I wasn't losing my mind, and yes, I would like a mini rolling pin.

This is another gadget that I discovered in my mother's kitchen, and as the chef in my own home now I couldn't long do without.  I don't know what it is about regular sized rolling pins, but I just feel like they are so bulky and my crusts either end up tearing or jumping all around the place as they stick to my roller... And these little rollers are SO much easier for me to handle.

I love that I can roll out my dough with ONE hand.  I love that if my dough sticks, it's only a very small portion of my dough and it's an easy fix.  (Especially since I have a free hand).  I love that it's not heavy, and can fit easily in my drawer.

So if you are like me and hate wrestling with a rolling pin, there IS another way! Try out a mini rolling pin.  They really are wonderful.

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